Prepping for Spring

Okay.  So before I write anything, I just want to say- the following photo may or may not be a bit of a spoiler to an upcoming and kinda new special we'll be introducing in the next week or so. Stay tuned.

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Anyways!  These shoots are always fun because, well, they're just for fun shoots!  It's a great way to be silly and creative and just try new things while exploring new areas!  Some things don't work out, but other things might turn out fabulous and serve as inspiration for my next 'real' shoot.

For this particular shoot I recruited my boyfriend's cousin, Zoe (for obvious reasons-the camera loves her!  Plus, we always have a blast.)  We've traveled through thorny brush, muddy fields, and down busy streets all while wearing outrageous clothes and cracking up at the strange looks passer-bys give us.  We've done it all, just to get that perfect shot.

Obviously, I can't do those kind of things with clients and that's why I have to have these random 'just for fun' shoots.  It gives me a chance to explore new places, play with poses, and experiment with editing. Then, when I get to the real deal photo shoot, I have it all down pat!  I know what I want to do, how I want to do it, and where I want it to be at... It's almost like warming up before game.  And as warm, spring weather approaches (which is theee perfect time to schedule a shoot) I have to get my game face on and get back into my grove after a long, hard winter.

So bring it on, Spring!!

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