It’s Potty Time….

When Maximus turned two I was almost 8 months pregnant with Maverick, so getting him out of diapers was a MUST for me!  I was determined that I wasn't going to have two kiddos in diapers, and by the time Maverick arrived, Maximus was about 90% potty trained.  As silly as it sounds, it was such an accomplishment for not only him but me too.

Well, Maverick turned 2 in April and I got myself into "potty training" mode.  I thought, I've done this before, I'm a pro, I can for sure do this again.  Haha, well our journey the past couple months hasn't been easy...but thankfully there isn't a baby on the way for me to speed up the process, so I've just been taking it at his pace.

First, we started with reading our potty books every night and every time I went to the bathroom I would take him with me and say "look, mommy go potty"  "yay, mommy did it" etc., etc.  After a couple weeks of talking it up, we are ready to start.  Only at bath time while the water was running,  I would sit him on the potty (we don't use a little potty, I just find it confusing to go from a little potty to a big potty, and we bought one for Maximus but he never used it) so, while the bath water ran, he would sit...some nights he would go (not realizing it) and we as a family would cheer, scream and dance as he just looked at us like we were crazy.  Next, I started with every time I changed his diaper I would sit him on the potty.  After months of doing this routine he finally started realizing he was "making bubbles" like daddy.  Gross I know, but the joys of having little boys.  Just recently, I've been hitting it hard, because I know he can do it.  We now sit on the potty first thing in the morning, after breakfast, a couple times before lunch, right before nap, immediately after nap, anytime before we leave the house, as soon as we arrive someplace, before we leave, etc. etc.  It's exhausting!

I feel as if I have a little puppy running around ( I know, awful to relate my kid to a puppy) but every time I turn around I'm stepping in pee (gross) or having to clean up poo! lol I let him run around naked most of the day, this didn't work for Maximus but for Maverick I find he does better on days that he doesn't have underwear on.  Most days are good, but we do have bad ones.  I stay home the majority of the day so that we are close to a potty and at times it's a bit frustrating taking him to the bathroom every 20 minutes or so but I'm hoping that soon it will just click and we will be diaper free.  Any mommas out there going through the same thing?  What worked for you?  Any and all advice is welcome and hopefully this post will help anyone who is getting ready to start this wonderful chapter, I wish you the best of luck and just have patience.

Here are a couple pictures of my big boy and him working hard for those M&Ms!


Potty 4 Potty 5 Potty 6  Potty 8

Potty 7

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