Tag Archives: tattooed mom


WHAT???  Mom's with tattoos?

What were we thinking?  Will we regret them as we grow older as our bodies change?  What will other Mom's think of them?  Will we be judged for them?  What will our kids think?  Will our tattoos embarrass our kids on family vacations with our grandkids 30 years from now?  How will we explain them? When our grandkids as about them... what will we tell them?  How will we explain them?  I mean, the questions are endless...tattoos are truly conversation pieces.

I guarantee that if you were you to ask Brynnen, my daughter, about my tattoos she would talk to you about them as if they are perfectly normal...because to her they are NORMAL.   Mommy has always had tattoos, and well...she always will.  🙂

So, exactly what I was thinking?  That's simple...I was thinking," I want a tattoo."   Why...you ask?  Why not?  Each tattoo I have is representative of a specific moment in my life.  Each one has its own timeline and story.  You only live once.  Life is too short to question or second guess every decision you make.

Let's face it, our bodies will grow older and change regardless of what we do to prevent it or what we put on them.   It's a part of life, so OWN it. Your tattoos are part of you so own your body, make it your own and most importantly, BE YOU!

Who are you?  Are you a Mom with tattoos?  Or maybe you just have tattoos, but hope to someday have the privilege of being someone's Mommy...tell me your story.  Tell me about your tattoo(s) and what they mean to you.

- Beth Williams - Tiptoe Winchester

