I personally have been sooooo excited about this day for 10+ years! My brother and sister in law reunited and got remarried this past Friday! Michelle has been in my life since I was little. The first time BA (my brother) brought her home, I remember my mom looking out the window when they were pulling in the driveway and Michelle was sitting in the middle of the Jeep and BA had his arm around her. I felt the excitement that my mom was feeling, and as a kid, I just remember thinking they were the perfect couple! That day quickly became engraved into my memory, and her riding in the front seat so close to him quickly became a country song in my head. Michelle was like a big sister to me, during my early teenage years, she used to be allowed to take my moms car and drive me around. I remember feeling so COOL! They married the first time when I was 12 years old, I was in the wedding, big braces and all (I still have the pictures to prove it, ahhh)! They were married several years before they had my niece, the little love of my life, Mikayla! Boy oh boy, I did (and do) love that kid! At 18, I ended up living with the 3 of them. Looking back at that time in my life, I realize more and more everyday what a special person it took to have a new baby AND take in your husband's kid sister. They were just starting their family and I was there, probably driving them nuts. It was a tough time in my life, but never did I ever feel unwanted or like a nuisance! Knowing now what it is like having a new baby, I am confident that I would NOT be able to take in a 18 year old permanent house guest. But Michelle did, no questions asked! I love her more for that now, than ever! But this was also the time when their relationship had taken a downward turn and they ended up divorcing. I remember when it was happening, and my mom and I saying that one day they will get back together. We had confidence! They belonged together and seriously NO one was ever going to take the place of her as my sister! Michelle had mentioned at their wedding how mom had never taken down her high school portraits, they were hanging on the wall right next to my brothers and mine, TEN YEARS after the divorce. She belonged there!
So can anyone imagine my excitement when 2 + years ago BA started going to church with Michelle? This was the path they needed to reconcile. I am sure it hasn't been an easy path for them, but it has been a God driven one! They have stayed true to themselves and God, equipped to work out any of those past demons! Their testimony is a great one! Our family is complete again, Michelle is back! So needless to say that being apart 10+ years then finding their way back to one another, has quickly become another country song in my head! LOL! Cheers to Ba and Michelle!!!
Here are some quick teasers from the wedding!