Real life struggles…

Before I start,  I do not write so please no judging! lol

So this isn't anything photography related just some real life struggles of a mommy needing some advice.  Maximus just turned 4 in January and ever since he was a newborn we have been doing the "co-sleeping"  thing.  Yes I know some of you are shaking your head, but we were first time parents, extremely tired because he wouldn't sleep through the night (still doesn't),  I was nursing and it just worked for us.  (Thankfully I learned my lesson with Maverick, he sleeps in his own bed and through the night).  I haven't tried putting him in his room in an extremely long time.  The ONE time we attempted the "crying out method" when he was little, he got so upset, fell and hit his head in his crib and I swore I would NEVER do that again! Talk about feeling like the worst mommy ever :'(.

Lately, I've just been getting fed up and saying tonight is the night he is sleeping in his bed.  We go through our nightly routine of taking a bath, putting  jammies on, getting a snack, and letting him pick a book to read, then I so nicely say "Okay, buddy its time to go night night in your bed" Oh my goodness its like ripping his heart out.  He takes off running into our room, screaming and crying, wants daddy because he usually gives in to him, and me after minutes of becoming EXTREMELY frustrated I just think to myself "if he wakes up Maverick I'm going to be mad" and of course a few choice words in there...I know bad mommy!  As always, I give in and let him sleep with us.  It's such an awful cycle that we have been going through and I literally can't take it.

I know consistency is key, but having him screaming and crying is torture and I WILL not do that to him, or us,  plus I have another little guy who is sleeping and don't want to wake him.  Bribing isn't an option as this kid has enough toys, we did his room in ninja turtles, he has a night light, and we even leave the bathroom light on for him.  We check for monsters, and give lots of hugs and kisses.  Nothing seems to work, NOTHING!  Did I miss my window of trying to get him to sleep in his bed?  At this point do I continue to just try every night, in hopes of one night he will just fall asleep on his own in his room or let him sleep with us until he's 25? lol  HELP! I want my bed back!

3 thoughts on “Real life struggles…

  1. judy

    Get him a double bed for his room. You sleep with HIM for a while. So he's sleeping with you, but in his own room and in his own bed. Try to leave when he's asleep. If he wakes and freaks, take him back to his room and lie down with him again. Make sure he has a nightlight. My boys also sleep with a fan (white noise) so they don't notice every little sound at night.

    Good luck.

  2. Brittany

    Can I just say I feel like I am seeing myself in this blog!!! Connor is only 2 and I am going through the same thing! I bought a brand new twin bed thinking that it is so much more comfy than his crib mattress.....what happens? Mommy ends up going to bed with him....getting up and he still comes in around 1 or 2 and refuses to go back in his bed. IF I could eliminate him getting up in the middle of the night and coming into our room until morning things would be golden! Not to mention going to bed before 10! THANK YOU THANK YOU for writing this blog I feel like I have someone to relate to now haaha!

  3. Christina

    We just went through this at our house! We also co-slept and my daughter just turned four in December. She was still sleeping in our bed up until a month ago. Now she is finally sleeping in her room all night! I really think it is when the child is ready. We tried rewards, etc., but it wasn't until she wanted to sleep in her room that it worked. He will get there in his own time!


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