
First of all, Happy Father's day to all of the wonderful daddies out there! The ladies of Tiptoe Studios hope you have an absolutely fabulous Sunday!

We thought there was no better day than today to kick off our 7Sale! That's right...7 years ago this July Tiptoe Studios formally came into being. That adds up to a ton of happy memories captured by us over the years! To say "thank you" for letting us into your lives to capture all of those precious moments, we are holding our 7Sale up through July 27th! Book a session between now and the 27th and pay a $7 session fee (normally $50)! To sweeten the deal, all a la carte 5x7 prints will also be only $7 each (normally $27)! And, if you are someone who likes to have the ultimate freedom in printing your own images, now is the time to take advantage of our session CD for the hugely discounted price of $700 (normally $1300)!

The 7Sale covers all regular sessions and cannot be combined with any other promotions/specials currently running. Ordering session for your shoot must be held before July 27th to take advantage of this deal.

This will be our biggest sale of the summer so don't miss out! Help us celebrate our 7th anniversary in true Tiptoe style! We can't wait to hear from you!


What an exciting Daddy and Me day I had with some of my favorite people! This family is such a blessing to me! Angela and Matt have been with Tiptoe since the beginning. We have shot their engagement, wedding, maternity, newborns, 1st birthdays, family,  christmas cards, and dedications.   I really can't explain what they mean to me! I love their babies just as my own, and I love love love watching them grow.  (and just look at these little faces, seriously how could you not love them)  I love this family and love that they continue to use us as they add to their adorable family!  Enjoy your teasers!! And Matt we hope you have an awesome Father's Day!


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So this post comes with a heavy, heavy heart. I mean a heavier heart than I knew I was even capable of having. On Monday we lost our dog Chandler, by a tragic accident.  Channy had been a Mercer for about as long as we have been a Mercer family. We got him in August of 2008, shortly after we had gotten married, and before the birth of Olivia. Looking back, he was really such an amazing dog, I have always said we have been so lucky with our dogs, not having health problems, potty training so well, and only mildly chewing (and that wasn't even Chan that was our lab, Chelsie) We were blessed. But after the birth of my 2 kids, I wasn't the dog mommy that I should've been. Were they well cared for, sure, all their needs were being met. So I think my guilt is that, I wish I would've let him sit on lap a little more. I wish I would've been as excited to see him as he was excited to see me whenever I got home. I wish I would've taken him to more places than just the groomer and the vets office. I wish I would've just not taken him for granted.  He was unknowingly such a part of our family, even though he was in the background most of the time.

For the past 2 days, every little thing makes me miss him. Pulling into the driveway, and opening the garage door and not see him run out to me, him not barking at every stranger, not seeing his little face waiting at the door to be let in, not see him chase the kids across the yard, not watching him follow Chelsie everywhere she goes. Everything in the house feels different, the sounds, the atmosphere, EVERYTHING. Oh goodness what I wouldn't give to hear the little gallop of his paws on the hardwood.

I, loving pictures the way I do, instantly went to look for pics of Channy and to my surprise, I have tons. Anytime I was photographing the kids in the yard, there he was. Maybe in the background sometimes, or maybe him being the little lover he was, he pushed himself to the foreground.  Oh how I cherish these photos, because looking through them I really did capture every aspect of who Chandler was, and the little things and he did that made him so unique and special. Oh geez I am going to miss him so much!

I know and pray that with time, this gets easier.  There is such an emptiness that I never imagined I could have felt by loosing a pet.  It's heart wrenching. I hurt for my husband, I hurt for my kids, and I especially hurt for Chelsie who is going to miss her best friend.  So everyone please today instead of just walking by your pet, stop.... give them a hug, a pet on the head, or a little extra attention. Because like with anything you don't know if they will be there tomorrow.

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So, we have had quite a few newborn shoots lately, and while I love love LOVE  doing them, boy does it mess with my mommy hormones, lol.  As I was rocking my two year old Maverick to sleep tonight, I had that moment.  The moment I think all of us mommies get when we realize our babies aren't babies anymore.....baby fever!  My baby just turned two a couple weeks ago, he is dangling off my lap, reading books with me, Maximus is now 4 and another year of preschool is coming to an end.  I can't help but get that little itch, ahh another baby...and it doesn't help that Maximus keeps begging for a little sister.  He keeps saying "mommy, we can just go to where we got Maverick and get my baby sister"  and I respond with "oh buddy, if only it were that easy!"  Now, I'm not saying it's completely out of the question, it's just not in the cards right now, or at least not for a couple years, and even then, who knows.  I'm just thankful for newborn shoots so I can get my baby fix.  So any mommies out there getting ready to have a baby, give us a call or shoot us an email and ask about our maternity/newborn package.  Bring your babies to Tiptoe, I need my fix! 🙂

We have all heard the sayin', and it has so many interpretations.   Kind of like, you should "never judge a book by it's cover".

When I hear "if the shoe fits" I think of it referencing someone's personality, not necessarily the shoes on their feet.  But, I also think you can tell a lot about a person's personality by the shoes they wear.

Let me set the record straight, I am by no means a "Cinderella".  (I don't like to clean, although I like my house tidy and often get stressed when things aren't "where they belong".)   I don't have the best sense of fashion, but I am not color blind... thank goodness.  I know what matches and what doesn't.  I know how to dress up an outfit, or how to dress it down.

Every girl loves shoes, but this girl...this girl doesn't just love any kind of shoe.  I love boots!  I don't care if they are on a man, a woman, a little boy, a little girl or on a rack.  I love them, and can't get enough of them!

What does that say about my personality?  Well, I am not 100% sure...I'll let you be the judge.  We all have different personalities.  Although a "pair of shoes' are the same, no two personalities are, nor should they be.  Be selective with your shoes, and take note of the ones that other people wear.

So, if the shoe fits...wear it, but if the boots fit...ROCK 'EM!

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It's that time of year...senior portrait time! We get sooooo excited to start shooting senior sessions because they are so much fun! Tiptoe Seniors always bring such awesome energy and life to their sessions. Wardrobe, hair, make up, props; for our senior girls it is a whirlwind day full of preparation and laughs. From our senior guys (who don't normally look forward to this process quite as much as the girls do!) our highest compliments have been that we make it a painless (and sometimes even enjoyable, lol) experience!

Because we enjoy our seniors so much, we are able to bring a vibrant, more personal touch to our images. Gone are the days of the backdrops and cheesy props. We're heading to the great outdoors in the location of your choice! The possibilities are endless and the Tiptoe girls are up for anything that will bring that personal touch to your session- just ask!

We are also introducing something a bit new. Since we had such success with our Tiptoe parties, we have created a special collection for Senior Parties! Honestly, isn't is more fun to do these things in groups anyway? Take a look at our promotions and give us a call for more information!

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Raise your hand if you knew that Tiptoe Studios offers school portraits...

Okay, so I know that the weather has been super nice for approximately 2 days and there is still a TON of snow on the ground but I can feel spring coming!

Can't you?!!

Right about this time every year, people start to emerge from their houses, say hi to the neighbors they haven't seen in months (due to the 5 second dashing from the house to the car and back again because it is just too darn cold to socialize!) and start spending more time in the great outdoors. At Tiptoe Studios, we start getting pretty excited right around this time, too. It is no easy task to coax people out of their warm homes in January and February to go outside and take pictures! So, now we get to shake the dust off of our cameras and get to work and we couldn't be happier!

Now, amid the frenzy of booking weddings, family sessions, spring sessions and newborn sessions, we have a completely different (and, perhaps little known) specialty...school portraits! Four years ago, we started out with one local preschool. Every year, we add to the Tiptoe preschool family, little by little and now we service 5 different preschools and are always looking for new clients!

Our approach to school portraits is the same as our approach to any Tiptoe photo session...personalized and perfectly edited! We offer the boutique look for fabulous discounted school pricing! Our preschool portraits have been so popular, that we have started offering our own, studio-hosted Tiptoe school portrait day where parents can bring their student of any age to have their custom school portrait done. Our next one is April 25th so call or email us now to book a slot if interested!

Know a preschool who would love to jump on the band wagon? Just give us a holler and we will be happy to send out some information on how you can have the signature Tiptoe look at your school!

In the meantime, just take a gander at some of the gorgeous kids we have had the pleasure of "shooting"...

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