If the shoe fits…

We have all heard the sayin', and it has so many interpretations.   Kind of like, you should "never judge a book by it's cover".

When I hear "if the shoe fits" I think of it referencing someone's personality, not necessarily the shoes on their feet.  But, I also think you can tell a lot about a person's personality by the shoes they wear.

Let me set the record straight, I am by no means a "Cinderella".  (I don't like to clean, although I like my house tidy and often get stressed when things aren't "where they belong".)   I don't have the best sense of fashion, but I am not color blind... thank goodness.  I know what matches and what doesn't.  I know how to dress up an outfit, or how to dress it down.

Every girl loves shoes, but this girl...this girl doesn't just love any kind of shoe.  I love boots!  I don't care if they are on a man, a woman, a little boy, a little girl or on a rack.  I love them, and can't get enough of them!

What does that say about my personality?  Well, I am not 100% sure...I'll let you be the judge.  We all have different personalities.  Although a "pair of shoes' are the same, no two personalities are, nor should they be.  Be selective with your shoes, and take note of the ones that other people wear.

So, if the shoe fits...wear it, but if the boots fit...ROCK 'EM!

Shoe Blog 2





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