Tag Archives: photoshop

What happens after we "shoot" you...

As our loyal clients already know, after your photography session, it takes us about a week to have the images edited and ready for you to view and order. Ever wondered why the wait? After all, the Picture People have them ready in an hour...! You put together the most fabulous of family outfits, the kids were well-behaved and you just know we got some awesome shots...and you just CAN'T WAIT to see them! Believe us, we KNOW! What you may not realize, is that we are super-excited too and can't wait to get home and start editing!

Yes, we are professional photographers and we can absolutely take a great shot that looks pretty wonderful in camera. But, the editing process is where the magic happens! It allows us take that great shot to the next level, resulting in a fabulous mind-blowing piece of artwork that you will want to display in your home as a big ole 20x30 canvas! (And take our word for it, bigger really IS better!)

Now, we are not fans of showing raw, un-edited images to our clients but thought it would be fun to give you a little taste of what a huge difference our editing process makes to our final product. So, the first example is up! This is actually from my son's 6th birthday session. His birthday is in May and I believe I finally got around to taking these sometime in October but don't judge me too harshly!


This perfect example of adorableness (Can you tell he belongs to me? I am not too proud or anything!) didn't need a whole lot of editing. Children rarely do; they tend to have that perfect, creamy skin, bright eyes and a bubbly smile that makes editing an easy and enjoyable task. The original shot is great and I knew it as soon as I took it. At the same time, I was already imagining what it WOULD be when I finished editing it. I gave it the true Tiptoe treatment and I think the result is a happier, more vibrant image that I would be absolutely delighted to hang on the walls of my home!


This was our family shot for Christmas of 2013. This was our second go round at a family portrait in about 1 week and I was not optimistic about the outcome.  For some reason, the Showen family can never get it together enough to get it right on the first try and I have come to know and expect this!   Jennifer had the pleasure of "shooting" my family for this particular session and I did the editing. And by the way, this is the shot that hangs in my home as that big ole 20x30 canvas I mentioned earlier. And. It. Looks. Awesome!

At first glance, I was underwhelmed by the setting in this image. The field was nice but didn't exactly fit my artistic "vision". However, when I started editing and the different colored grasses started popping, I was truly blown away! This shot required a little bit more editing. For one thing, there are 4 people instead of 1. Also, I put MYSELF through an insanely ridiculous and THOROUGH editing process before I go up on any walls (virtual or literal)! Do I look skinnier in the after image? Because I guarantee you...I am absolutely skinnier in the after image! 😉

Yeah, we can do that.

So, this is why you have to wait that week before getting to view your Tiptoe'd images! We are taking the time to make them a picture-perfect, custom work of art! It is one example of what separates us from "the pack". Our work stands out, creates emotion and captures a perfect moment in time, every time!