Tag Archives: ocean


Every year since Maximus was 6 months old we have done a week long vacation to North Carolina, but with trying to sell our house (which is still on the market if you know anyone looking for a house...lol) we just weren't sure of our plans...so we backed out of the usual group vacation and had no plans of doing a beach trip this summer....BUMMER!  BUT...when my parents expressed wanting to get away for a few days we decided a quick trip to Ocean City for a few days is just what our family needed.

The boys were super excited because we have never gone on vacation with Grandma and Papa and I was excited to use my new camera that my partners got me for my birthday, which was last week.  (Thanks TT and Hoss!!!)  I still can't believe I only have one more year until I'm 30, ugh!!! Sucks getting old.  But anyways that's another blog topic.  As usual a few days leading up to it, I'm running around like a crazy person trying to make sure I have all I need, doing some last minute shopping, wondering who is going to look after our cats, washing clothes, cleaning the house, etc. etc.

We finally get to the beach and AHHH...  It's crazy how just being there makes me feel so peaceful.  Maximus kept asking if we would live here.  They both were a big crazy mess... staying up late, getting up early, eating anything and everything, but hey what's vacation if you can't do all those things, right?  It was a great time and I do love the beach, but boy am glad to be home.

Here are a few photos of the boys and for once I managed to get in a photo with Maximus.  Enjoy!


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